Import Demo

1. Option 1 (One click import)

You can easily import the demos or just some sections that included in demos. No matter that you to install any additional applications, you just simply click and feel free creative with the combination of 88+ sections.

In the customize interface

2. Option 2

Step 1: Open data config file

1.1 - On the file downloaded from , it have a file called 'DEMO DATA'.

1.2 - You need to go DEMO DATA > Choose the Demo you want > Open file > Copy all data


You can use the Sublime Text to open file

Step 2: Copy to your theme

2.1 - Go to Online Store > Theme > Actions > Edit code

2.2 - Open "setting_data.json" file > Paste all the data which copied from ''DEMO DATA' to here > click to 'SAVE'



  • Just support import config sections the same on demo, NOT support import images, products, data the same on demo.

Last updated